It was strange at the border not telling the nice Canadian Customs man that we were going to Wart Lake, and after a brief stop to try and visit
Chris Nelson - who wasn't home, it was on the road - East!
Our first afternoon we made it as far as North Bay, where we spent our first night in a motel. It was almost wierd having dinner with just the two of us, but it was probably stranger to not
see any snow this far north at this
time of year. We did pass some frozen lakes, but almost no snow.
Following the Rand McNally, and stopping to ask directions JUST ONCE - we drove
into the Cooper compound near Dacre, Ontario. We just weren't prepared for it - and we also surprised Rudy and Lois! The great little round house that Rudy built was so great.
Part "Algoma" and part art gallery it was a neat place to visit. The shop/studio, with Chris and Laura's apartment overhead housed the electrical system - enough power to run two households
and a pretty complete woodshop would make anyone on Wart Lake jealous.
With an open, gravity feed water system, using the kitchen range waterjacket to heat the hot water tank, propane
fridges and freezer, along with the solar power they are totally self-sufficient. On a small pond that they stock with rainbow trout it just couldn't be a nicer place to live.
We spent the afternoon being toured about, looking at paintings and actually walking around on some frozen water while a few folks tried to coax little fishes
out of holes in the ice.
And, after a huge spaghetti dinner, were entertained by Rudy and Lois.
The next morning we snapped another quick picture and hit the road.
We were headed for Toronto. Stopping for lunch, we made a quick call to David McEown to let him know that we were headed his way.
With some good directions, we drove right to his house. Another bout of looking through what seemed to be
dozens of paintings, and a nice dinner in a really nice restaurant made it a great visit. Barb seemed to enjoy the "shopping". The painting
on the right - Renewal, especially caught her eye. I'll need a few more "web site" credits and maybe she'll get it.
We spent the next morning at the McMichael Gallery at Kleinburg - truly a Canadian experience equal to any we've had on Wart Lake.
It seems amazing that the part of Canada that we know and enjoy so much played such a huge role in defining a significant part of Canadian art.
Leaving there, we headed east towards Detroit and home. Amazing as it was, we left Toronto in freezing rain - just a day ahead of a snowstorm.
This whole trip was taken because there wasn't enough snow to go to camp, and now we were running to beat the snow! One more night on the road (in Dayton, OH) and we
arrived home to find the grass too long and the trees budding out.
We had such a great trip, and enjoyed visiting so many people, that it was really hard to miss the Wart Lake trip. And yet...I still feel a calling.

October Morning, Wartz Lake A.Y. Jackson, 1920