Burrell Smith, 1984

Vintage Pictures - Wart Lake

Burrell Smith, 1984

22K jpeg

Some Nice Early Camp Pictures

Old picture of the cabin with Burrell

Old picture of the cabin with Burrell
(date unknown)

44K jpeg

Aerial view - Cross Island

Aerial view - Cross Island
(date unknown)

18K jpeg

Susie on the porch, 1984

Susie on the porch, 1984

35K jpeg
Camp shot

From the lake.

32K jpeg
The new porch railing, 1984

The new porch railing, 1984

29K jpeg
The kitchen

The kitchen (c. 1984)

38K jpeg

Some Garden Pictures


The Garden, 1983

56K jpeg
The Birch

Wildflowers beside the birch tree.

42K jpeg

The Garden, 1983

70K jpeg

Special Folks

deber, 1984
deber, 1984

32K jpeg
Susie and Fred, 1984
Susie and Fred, 1984

26K jpeg